Monthly Archives: January 2021

Short note: Barred Wren-Warbler Calamonastes fasciolatus

They sound like a high-pitched rapidly fired telephone ‘ring’ and are generally hard to see in the foilage of tall trees from where they call; announcing their territories to several neighbours in the landscape around our homestead. Their incubation and

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It still leaks, from before Xmas 2020 to Feb 2021

Governments include municipal authorities and state owned enterprises which are directly responsible for public water consumption. To wit. With exception of those populations living alongside perennial rivers, urban Namibians rely almost exclusively on dams and boreholes for their potable water

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Sigh. More story than fish.

Bait (such as white and black mussels, crab, redbait and (illegally) polychaete worms) is an integral part of coastal life, but is perceived as a low‐value resource as these fisheries are data‐limited, locally focussed and largely unregulated even though the

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